Le monde paysan belge de 1830 à 1870.
The World Of The Belgian Peasantry From 1830 To 1870: Within the framework of the international investigation into the peasant movements made in view of the History Congress of Moscow, the Belgian group tried to find out what the situation was in the peasant world in Belgium during the XlXth century, since it proved impossible to indicate authentic social movements here. The study of the rare historical works devoted to this rural world for the period from 1830 to 1870 enabled us to conclude that "confronted with similar events, with a greater population-density, despite the more pronounced fierceness of the crisis of 1845-47 and the less favourable situation of the agricultural worker, the reaction of the Belgian agricultural population is quite different from the French reaction. Putting to sack of country-houses, destruction of forests, or brutal revolts are out of the question. Certainly, signs of discontent do appear, grievances really exist, but they never degenerated nor gave rise to the formation of social movements". The works consulted are listed at the end of the article.