Journal of Belgian History, XLVIII, 2018, 4
The fourth issue of the Journal of Belgian History contains four articles and a contribution to the debate section. Jeroen Barrez (KU Leuven) investigates the use of the concept of poverty during the 1960s, Charlotte Vekemans and Yves Segers (KU Leuven) tackle the Belgian state policy of so-called agricultural colonisation in Katanga between 1910 and 1920, the trio of Elke Brems, Reine Meylaerts and Myrthel Van Etterbeeck (KU Leuven) offer a case-study of the novel Mes cloîtres dans la tempête of Martial Lekeux from 1922 and Martin Schoups (UGent) presents his research on Belgian food policy after WW I. The position paper (in English) in the debate section from the young researchers Houssine Alloul and Michael Auwers (PoHis – University of Antwerp) offers a critical look on new diplomatic history.