Political commitment and identity reconstruction. The communist Jews in Brussels in the aftermath of World War II (1944-1963)Author(s)Arnaud Bozzini TagsJewish Persecution (WW II)IdentityEthnic History
De kinderen van het Getto. Joodse immigratie en communisme in België, 1925Author(s)Rudi Van Doorslaer TagsMigrationEthnic HistoryCommunist Movement
De heropbouw van de Joodse gemeenschap in Antwerpen na de Tweede Wereldoorlog (1944-1960). Lomir vayter zingen zeyer lidAuthor(s)Veerle Vanden Daelen TagsJewish Persecution (WW II)Liberation (WW II)Ethnic History
De grenzen van koloniale symbolische macht. Etnicisering en racialisering in Rwanda 1890- 1960.Author(s)P. Vervust TagsColonialismEthnic HistoryColonial History
'Guest Workers'. Entrepreneurs and the Role of Ethnicity in Immigrant Business. A Critical History of 'Ethnic Entrepreneurship' in Ghent, 1960-1980Author(s)Jozefien De Bock TagsSocial HistoryMigrationEthnic HistoryLocal historyEntrepreneurial History
The Relative Importance of Ethnicity. Class and Race in Colonial Rwanda. The Cases of Prison Policies, Corvées, Taxation, Census and Identity BookletsAuthor(s)Petra Vervust TagsColonial HistoryColonialismEthnic HistoryMinorities