Recently published : the last (double) issue of 2020
The most recent issue contains five articles and ten new bookreviews.
The first article (in Dutch) was written by Ghent historian Jan Naert, about mayors during the First World War in Belgium and occupied northern France. The second article was authored by Alain Rahier (UCL), about the creation of a new tax-system in the occupied territory which will later become Belgium : a territory in 1814-1815 divided between an Anglo-Dutch- and a Prussian force. The third article comes from Iris Flagothier, and she looks at the Walloon Movement through the lense of gender history using the case of the Union des Femmes de Wallonie (1912) and its head, feminist pionneer Marguerite Horion-Delchef (1874-1964). The fourth article (in English) is authored amongst others by Heidi Degerickx (UGent, Sociaal Werk). She studies the creation process of the Algemeen Verslag over de Armoede (AVA, 1994), generally considered a milestone Belgian anti-poverty policy. The fifth article was authored by Nico Wouters (CegeSoma-Rijksarchief, UGent): he uses one of the most iconic symbolic court cases in Flanders about the so-called 'failure of the repression' after the Second World War in Belgium - the case of the executed mayor and member of parliament Leo Vindevogel - to study the relationship between historical myth and truth.