Culinaire vererfgoeding in Vlaanderen tussen 1945 en 2000. Een historisch-gastrolinguïstische analyseAuteur(s)Anneke Geyzen
Political commitment and identity reconstruction. The communist Jews in Brussels in the aftermath of World War II (1944-1963)Auteur(s)Arnaud Bozzini
Engagement politique et reconstruction identitaire. Les Juifs communistes à Bruxelles au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1944-1963)Auteur(s)Arnaud Bozzini
La mise en place du syndicalisme contemporain et des relations sociales nouvelles en Belgique (1910-1937)Auteur(s)Francine Bolle
The Implementation of Contemporary Trade-Union Movements and of new Social Relations in Belgium (1910- 1937)Auteur(s)Francine Bolle
The ‘Representatives of the Nation’ in the service of their party. The relationship between Belgian political parties and their MPs (1918-1970)Auteur(s)Frederik Verleden
Jumping from gymnastics to science? Processes of academic and professional profile keeping within the university field of physical education in BelgiumAuteur(s)Hans Vangrunderbeek
Fortified Position of Namur (FPN) in May 1940. From Brialmont to the 18 days’ campaign (1888-1940)Auteur(s)Jacques Vandenbroucke
Between participation and representation. Contextual and structural dimensions of the Flemish third World solidarity movement, 1955-2000Auteur(s)Jan Van de Poel