SEBASTIAN BISCHOFF, CHRISTOPH JAHR, TATJANA MROWKA, JENS THIEL (eds): "Belgium is a beautiful city"? Resultate und Perspektiven der Historischen Belgienforschung (Historische Belgienforschung, Band 5). Münster, Waxmann Verlag, 2018 , 248 p.
JAN DE VOLDER, Cardinal Mercier in the First World War. Belgium, Germany and the catholic church.(Kadoc studies on religion, culture and society), Leuven, University Press, 2018, 262 p.
MICHEL DUMOULIN, CATHERINE LANNEAU LANNEAU (ed.), La biographie individuelle et collective dans le champ des relations internationales (Enjeux Internationaux, Vol. 39), Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2016, 230 p.