Journal of Belgian History, XLVII, 2017, 2/3
2017 2/3
This double-sized issue (2-3) contains six diverse articles, on : the policy and viewpoints on hunting of the Belgian Worker’s Party (1894-1936), the judicial trials of denunciators after WW I, the rise of the Social Economy in Flanders, movie programming in the Flemihs LGB movement(1970-1990), folkloristic military marches in Wallonia and the German-speaking radio transmissions in Belgium (1965-1974). Besides the PhD section and the reviews, the issue also has a debate section on the ‘The History Manifesto’ and ‘Big Data’ with contributions from Christophe Verbruggen, Ramses Delafontaine, Fien Danniau, Sally Chambers (UGent) Pieter Lagrou, Delphine Lauwers & Ornella Rovetta (ULB). Here is the Table of Content.